Thank you for your continued support at we navigate through this Emergency Remote Learning situation. Please know that during this unprecedented time, the most important thing is the health of your family. Although we will be posting a lot of learning opportunities for your child, please do only what is feasible for your family situation. We understand that there is a lot of new stress and uncertainty. Our goal is to provide ways to continue connecting with your child and support your family during this time.
As we move into using new learning platforms such as Google Classroom and Google Meet, here is important information in regards to accessing and using these sites.
To access both Classroom and Meet, your child needs to login to google using the email address and password we sent out last week.
Google Classroom
There are 2 different tabs to post and access information:
Stream: This is used primarily for students posting pictures of videos of their work. This is also a space where we will post announcements such as important dates and information. Please refrain from asking questions in this space and send us an email instead.
Classwork: This is where you will access all of the work and assignments that we post for students. Each week will have a Weekly Activity Plan which gives the tasks for students. This plan will be uploaded for Monday morning of each week. In addition, there will be supplementary videos and links that your child can access to assist in their learning.
Google Meet
Our code to access our Meet times will be the same each week.
We will have a large class Meet every Friday at 9:30 am (morning class)/ 10:00 am (afternoon class). We would love if everyone could attend. This is a chance for sharing time.
We will also host optional Meet sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30 am (morning class)/ 10:00 am (afternoon class) to read a story and answer any questions students may have about the work.
Raz-Kids and Epic!
You will be receiving an email invite to join the Epic! Reading program. This invite can only be sent to ONE parent email provided. This is optional to join but is a great tool to get your child reading. There is an App for this program as well.
We are also creating accounts for Raz-Kids. There is an App for this reading program as well.
Kids A-Z Login Instructions
Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Enter or choose the teacher's username
Step 3: Your child finds his or her username on the class chart
Step 4: Your child enters his or her password, red
Please refer to this chart for your teacher username. The password for all students is red.
Username - jjbakker
Username - almbakker
Username - bakkeralm
If your last name begins with the letters A - G
If your last name begins with the letters H - M
If your last name begins with the letters N - Z
Please don’t hesitate to email us any questions that you have during this time.
Thank you again for your patience and support!
Stay healthy,
Jen Bakker and Lisa Alm