Sunday, April 5, 2020

Information from School Messenger Email

Thank you for your continued support at we navigate through this Emergency Remote Learning situation. Please know that during this unprecedented time, the most important thing is the health of your family. Although we will be posting a lot of learning opportunities for your child, please do only what is feasible for your family situation. We understand that there is a lot of new stress and uncertainty. Our goal is to provide ways to continue connecting with your child and support your family during this time.

As we move into using new learning platforms such as Google Classroom and Google Meet, here is important information in regards to accessing and using these sites.

To access both Classroom and Meet, your child needs to login to google using the email address and password we sent out last week.

Google Classroom
There are 2 different tabs to post and access information:

Stream: This is used primarily for students posting pictures of videos of their work. This is also a space where we will post announcements such as important dates and information. Please refrain from asking questions in this space and send us an email instead.

Classwork: This is where you will access all of the work and assignments that we post for students. Each week will have a Weekly Activity Plan which gives the tasks for students. This plan will be uploaded for Monday morning of each week. In addition, there will be supplementary videos and links that your child can access to assist in their learning.

Google Meet

Our code to access our Meet times will be the same each week.
We will have a large class Meet every Friday at 9:30 am (morning class)/ 10:00 am (afternoon class). We would love if everyone could attend. This is a chance for sharing time.
We will also host optional Meet sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30 am (morning class)/ 10:00 am (afternoon class) to read a story and answer any questions students may have about the work.

Raz-Kids and Epic!

You will be receiving an email invite to join the Epic! Reading program. This invite can only be sent to ONE parent email provided.  This is optional to join but is a great tool to get your child reading. There is an App for this program as well.

We are also creating accounts for Raz-Kids. There is an App for this reading program as well.

Kids A-Z Login Instructions
Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Enter or choose the teacher's username
Step 3: Your child finds his or her username on the class chart
Step 4: Your child enters his or her password, red

Please refer to this chart for your teacher username.  The password for all students is red.

Username -  jjbakker
Username - almbakker
Username - bakkeralm
If your last name begins with the letters A - G
If your last name begins with the letters H - M
If your last name begins with the letters N - Z

Please don’t hesitate to email us any questions that you have during this time.
Thank you again for your patience and support!

Stay healthy,

Jen Bakker and Lisa Alm

Friday, April 3, 2020

Google Classroom and Meet

Good morning!

Just a quick reminder that our Google Classroom is up and running. We have added all of the students email accounts. Please login to that site using your child's CBE email we sent.
From now on, all passwords, links and assignments will be posted on our Google Classroom site.
Please don't hesitate to send us an email if you have difficulty accessing the site!

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Building Fun!

Hello Kindergarten!

We miss you! We have some building activities you can create today! You can use any blocks, lego, straws, toothpicks, cardboard or any other materials in your house to create and build. We can't wait to see what you make!
Ms. Bakker and Mrs. Alm

Can you make any or all of these?

We will be adding students into our Google Classroom this morning. If possible, try to login sometime today. We will post the link on that page that students will need to join our Google Meet session tomorrow morning! 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Scavenger Hunt

Good morning Kindergarten!

How are you feeling today? We miss you! Today, you can do two scavenger hunts around your house! We hope you have a great day with your family! 

Mrs. Alm and Ms. Bakker

Monday, March 30, 2020

Beginning a new learning journey...

Good morning kindergarten! 

Welcome to our first day together learning from home! We both miss you all so much! We hope you had a wonderful spring break. Here are some fun activities for you to get started with today! We can't wait to see you again!

Ms. Bakker and Mrs. Alm

Hello Parents!
We hope you had a great spring break! Please check your email this afternoon as we will be sending out information and questions pertaining to our online learning set-up. We will also continue to update our blog again today as well as throughout this week! Thank you for your patience!

*The L poem in this challenge will be posted later this week!*

Friday, March 20, 2020

Cuteness Overload

Hi Kindergarten! 

We know how much you love animals.  The Calgary Zoo is posting behind the scenes moments with some their animals.  Maybe you can check them out during spring break.
In the meantime, here are some cute animal photos to keep you smiling!

💙 Mrs. Alm
💙 Ms. Bakker

Thursday, March 19, 2020


A message to our Kindergarten students:

Hello Kindergarten!
We have missed you all very much this week!  Did you know that today is the first day of Spring? We hope that you are having fun on your extra long spring break with some family games, outside play and lots of imagination! Maybe you could teach your parents some Jack Hartmann songs! We would love if you emailed us a picture or message about your favourite part of your spring break next week! We hope we will get to see you all again soon!

Ms. Bakker and Mrs. Alm

A message to parents:

We hope that everyone is staying healthy! At this time, there is no formal assignments given for kindergarten. The CBE is developing protocol and timelines over the next week. We will keep you informed as we find out the next steps. Thank you for your patience as we move through a very different and stressful time. We miss teaching and are trying to go into spring break with hope! 
Here is a link available through the CBE to support you at home during this time:

Thank you for your continued support! It is greatly appreciated! 

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Library, Conferences and Boxes

It has been a wonderful week of listening to the All About Me presentations! We are looking forward to the rest in the next few days! If your child happens to be sick and misses their presentation day, they can present whenever they are back! :)

A few reminders:

This Friday (March 13th) is Dress Up as Your Favourite Book Character day!

Conferences are next week Wednesday, March 18th, Thursday, March 19th and Friday, March 20th. There will be NO school for kindergarten on those days. Please bring your child to their conference (if possible) so they can show you all of their hard work! The sign up is open online through Powerschool.

NO library next week because of the Book Fair. Please return all library books and students will get a chance to sign out again after spring break.

We are still looking for boxes for our building project in the next couple of days. If you have a box (any size will do!) or two in your recycling bin, we would love to use it.

We have been learning about the letter R sound this week. We are practicing how R says 'ruh' and not 'er'.

Friday, March 6, 2020


Happy Friday!

Just a quick reminder that next week is All About Me week! Students will be sharing their posters and artifact in front of the class. Parents are welcome to come and watch! Please sign in at the office if you are coming :)

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Letter Nn and upcoming events!

This week, we are continuing to explore what makes us unique during Social Studies! We are also learning about the letter sound Nn. We learned that N is a nose sound, similar to letter M. If we plug our nose, we can't make that sound!

Just a reminder of upcoming dates:

Scholastic Book orders are due tomorrow!
Students will begin sharing their All About Me projects next week!
Hawkwood School Read-a-thon goes from Saturday, March 7th-Sunday, March 15th!
Dress up as your favourite book character is Friday, March 13th!

Monday, March 2, 2020

March Conferences

Just to let you know March conferences for Kindergarten will take place on:

Wednesday, March 18
Thursday, March 19
Friday, March 20

*There will be no school for both morning and afternoon Kindergarten classes on these dates.  

We will post the conference booking link when it becomes available.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Monday, February 24, 2020

This Week!

Our new letter this week is Mm.  

Our read a-loud was a book about a fancy meal.  Students used this idea to create their favourite meal at our must do centre.  They are also encouraged to retell this story at our felt board centre. 

Our new centres reflect our new theme of community helpers.  

Our architect centre was very busy today.  
If you have any recyclable materials to donate to this centre we would appreciate it!

Students draw up a plan before they start to build.

Transportation Centre

Community helpers in our puppet theatre

Printing practice with community helpers

Doctor / Optometrist / Vet Clinic

Even dinosaurs need some medical help!

Post Office

School Centre

 Loose parts are all about faces.  Once a face is completed, students take a picture of their creation!